Hello, I'm

Shiv Upasak

Astrologer | Horoscope & Analysis

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25+ Years Working


50,000+ Successful Projects


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AstroShivUpasak Ji is a person who has made astrology much popular among the people. Astrology is his childhood passion which he has made his profession and today he is serving people with best of his astrological knowledge and guidance. He is blessed by his parents those are also astrologers and he steps into the astrology. His childhood interest as made him professional astrologer that provide services which are worth to use. His proficiency and dedication in work has made him famous astrologer and get honoured by various prestigious awards from astrology organizations.

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My Abilities

My Experience

Main Services

Love Problems Solution

7,382+ Successfully Completed

Love Marriage Solution

4,539+ Successfully Completed

Love Back Solution

3,728+ Successfully Completed

Lost Love Solution

2,398+ Successfully Completed

Relatioship Breakup Solution

7,888+ Successfully Completed

Love Marriage Solution

12,729+ Successfully Completed

Intercaste Marriage Solution

7,500+ Successfully Completed

Family Approval For Love Marriage Solution

5,472+ Successfully Completed

Other Services

Family Problems Solution

4,322+ Successfully Completed

Couple Dispute Solution

2,232+ Successfully Completed

Extra Marital Affair Solution

1,455+ Successfully Completed

Business Problem Solution

2,700+ Successfully Completed

Court Case Solutions

3,200+ Successfully Completed

Divorce Dispute Solution

7,100+ Successfully Completed
My Services

What I Offer

Love Marriage

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Love Marriage Specialist

With a deep understanding of Vedic astrology and its application to love relationships, Astrologer ShivUpasak offers personalized consultations to help individuals and couples overcome challenges and build strong, lasting bonds. By analyzing the birth charts of both partners, Astrologer ShivUpasak provides insights into:
1.Compatibility and match-making
2.Strengths and weaknesses of the relationship
3.Potential challenges and obstacles
4.Remedies and solutions to overcome difficulties
5.Timing and prospects for marriage and long-term commitment

Love Problem Specialist

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Love Issues Specialist

As a love issue specialist, I understand that relationships can be complex and challenging. Whether you're dealing with communication breakdowns, trust issues, or other relationship challenges, I am here to help you find solutions that work for you and your partner. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, I provide a safe and supportive space for couples to explore their issues and work towards a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. I am dedicated to helping couples find the tools and understanding they need to build a strong and lasting connection.

Relationship Specialist

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Relationship Problem Specialist

With a deep understanding of Vedic astrology and its application to love relationships, Astrologer ShivUpasak offers personalized consultations to help individuals and couples overcome challenges and build strong, lasting bonds. By analyzing the birth charts of both partners, Astrologer ShovUpasak provides insights into:
1.Compatibility and match-making
2.Strengths and weaknesses of the relationship
3.Potential challenges and obstacles
4.Remedies and solutions to overcome difficulties
5.Timing and prospects for marriage and long-term commitment

Break-up Specialist

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Break-up Problem Specialist

As a Breakup Problem Specialist, I offer a unique approach to resolving relationship issues by utilizing the principles of Vedic astrology. My services are designed to help individuals and couples overcome the challenges that are preventing them from building strong, lasting bonds. During a personalized consultation, I analyze the birth charts of both partners to gain a deep understanding of their compatibility and potential challenges. By examining the positions of the planets and stars, I can provide insights into:
1. The strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.
2. Potential obstacles and areas of conflict.
3. Remedies and solutions to overcome difficulties.
4. Timing and prospects for reconciliation or long-term commitment.

Gf/Bf Dispute Specialist

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Gf/Bf Dispute Specialist

With a deep understanding of astrology and its application to romantic relationships, I offer personalized consultations to help individuals and couples navigate the challenges that arise in their relationships. By analyzing the birth charts of both partners, I can provide insights into:
1. The strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.
2. Potential obstacles and areas of conflict.
3. Remedies and solutions to overcome difficulties.
4. Timing and prospects for reconciliation or long-term commitment.

Extra Marital Affair Specialist

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Extra Marital Affair Specialist

With over 25 years of experience, this astrologer has established themselves as a trusted expert in the field of extramarital affairs. They have helped countless individuals and couples navigate the complexities and emotions that come with infidelity. With a deep understanding of the astrological influences that can contribute to these situations, they offer guidance and solutions to help restore relationships and rebuild trust. Their expertise has brought hope and clarity to many, enabling them to find inner peace and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and understanding. Whether you are seeking to repair a damaged relationship or gain a better understanding of your own actions, this astrologer is dedicated to helping you find the answers you need.

Couple Disputes Specialist

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Couple Disputes Specialist

As a couple disputes specialist, this astrologer has dedicated their career to helping couples navigate the challenges and conflicts that can arise in relationships. With a deep understanding of the astrological influences that can contribute to these issues, they offer guidance and solutions to help couples find common ground and rebuild their connection. Whether you are dealing with communication breakdowns, trust issues, or other relationship challenges, this astrologer is committed to helping you find the answers you need to move forward. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, they provide a safe and supportive space for couples to explore their issues and work towards a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

Family Approval for Love Marriage

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Family Approval Specialist

As a family approval for love marriage specialist, I understand the complexities and challenges that can arise when couples seek approval from their families for their love marriage. With years of experience in this field, I have helped countless couples navigate the delicate process of gaining family approval, while also maintaining their own relationship and personal well-being. I offer guidance and support to couples, helping them to understand their families' perspectives and find ways to communicate effectively and respectfully. I am committed to helping couples find a path forward that honors their love and respects their families' traditions and values. Whether you are just starting the process of seeking family approval or are facing challenges along the way, I am here to help.

Get Your EX back

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Ex Back Specialist

As a ex back specialist, I understand the complex and often emotional dynamics that can arise when trying to rebuild a relationship with an ex. I know that gaining the approval and support of your family can be a crucial step in this process, and I am here to help. With a deep understanding of the astrological influences that can impact relationships, I offer guidance and solutions to help you navigate this challenging situation. Whether you are seeking to repair a damaged relationship or build a new one, I am committed to helping you find the tools and understanding you need to gain the support and approval of your family. I will work with you to understand the perspectives and concerns of your family members, and help you find ways to address their concerns and build a strong and lasting connection. With my expertise and guidance, you can find the path to rebuilding your relationship and gaining the support and approval of your family.

Hypnotize Your Partner

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Hypnotize Specialist

As a hypnosis specialist, I understand the importance of gaining the support and approval of loved ones when seeking hypnotherapy. I work closely with clients to help them communicate effectively with their families about their decision to seek hypnosis, and to address any concerns or objections that may arise. I believe that involving family members in the process can lead to a greater understanding and acceptance of hypnotherapy, and can ultimately lead to more successful outcomes for my clients. With a compassionate and understanding approach, I strive to create a safe and supportive environment for my clients and their families as they navigate the process of seeking hypnosis. I am committed to helping my clients achieve their goals and find the inner peace and well-being they deserve, with the support and approval of their loved ones.

Family Issues Specialist

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Family Problem Specialist

As a family issues specialist, I have had the privilege of helping many families navigate complex issues and find solutions that work for everyone involved. My approach is rooted in understanding the unique dynamics of each family and working closely with all members to find common ground and build strong, healthy relationships. I believe that with open communication, empathy, and a willingness to listen, even the most challenging family disputes can be resolved. I am committed to helping families find the tools and understanding they need to build a strong foundation for the future.

Intercaste Marriage Specialist

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Intercaste Marriage Specialist

As an intercaste marriage specialist, I have had the privilege of helping many couples navigate the unique challenges that come with intercaste relationships. I understand that these relationships can be met with resistance and misunderstanding from family and society, and I am committed to providing a safe and supportive space for couples to explore their feelings and find solutions. I believe that love knows no boundaries, and I am dedicated to helping couples build strong and fulfilling relationships, regardless of their caste or background. With compassion and understanding, I work with couples to address any issues that may arise and to find the tools and resources they need to build a strong and lasting connection. Whether you are just starting to explore an intercaste relationship or are facing challenges in an existing one, I am here to help.

Child Issues Specialist

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Child Issues Specialist

As a child issue specialist, I have dedicated my career to helping families find the tools and understanding they need to address any challenges that may arise with their children. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, I provide a safe and supportive space for families to explore their issues and work towards a positive resolution. Whether you are dealing with behavioral problems, learning difficulties, or other child-related challenges, I am committed to helping you find the answers you need to move forward. I am dedicated to helping families build stronger connections and create a nurturing and supportive environment for their children.

Business Issues Specialist

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Business Problem Specialist

As a business issue specialist, I have helped many clients overcome various challenges and achieve their goals. With over 25 years of experience, I have developed a deep understanding of the unique issues that businesses face and have a proven track record of finding effective solutions. Whether you are dealing with operational inefficiencies, financial difficulties, or strategic planning, I am here to help. I take a personalized approach to each client, working closely with you to understand your specific needs and develop a customized plan of action. With my expertise and guidance, you can overcome any business issue and achieve long-term success.

Divorce Specialist

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Divorce Problem Specialist

As an astrologer specializing in divorce issues, I understand that this can be a difficult and emotional time for all parties involved. I am here to provide guidance and support as you navigate this challenging process. With a deep understanding of the astrological influences that can contribute to these issues, I offer solutions and insights to help you find clarity and make informed decisions. Whether you are seeking to repair a damaged relationship or move on from a difficult situation, I am committed to helping you find the answers you need to move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Quick Marriage Specialist

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Quick Marriage Specialist

As a quick marriage specialist, I understand that sometimes, couples may face external pressures or personal desires to expedite their marriage. With my expertise in astrology, I can help you identify the most auspicious dates and times for your wedding, ensuring a smooth and harmonious start to your married life. I have helped numerous couples navigate this process, and I am committed to providing personalized guidance and support every step of the way. Whether you are facing family opposition, cultural barriers, or simply a desire to start your new life together as soon as possible, I am here to help. Let's work together to make your quick marriage dreams a reality.

Negative Energy Removal

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Negative Energy Removal

As an astrologer, I believe that negative energy can have a profound impact on our lives. Whether it's caused by external factors or internal struggles, negative energy can leave us feeling drained, overwhelmed, and stuck. That's why I offer negative energy removal services to help my clients clear away the negative and make room for the positive. Using a variety of astrological techniques and tools, I work with my clients to identify and release the negative energy that may be holding them back. With a renewed sense of clarity and purpose, my clients are able to move forward with confidence and positivity.

Teenage Love Specialist

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Teenage Love Specialist

As a teenage love specialist with 25+ years of experience, I understand the unique challenges that young couples can face. Whether you're dealing with family approval issues, intercaste marriage concerns, or other relationship conflicts, I am here to help. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, I provide a safe and supportive space for couples to explore their issues and work towards a stronger, more harmonious future. I am dedicated to helping young couples find the tools and understanding they need to build a strong and lasting connection.

Job issues Specialist

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Job Problem Specialist

As an astrologer specializing in job issues, I use the power of celestial bodies to guide individuals towards their ideal careers. By analyzing the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth, I can identify their strengths, weaknesses, and natural talents. With this information, I provide personalized career advice and help clients overcome any job-related challenges they may be facing. Whether it's finding a new job, advancing in their current career, or resolving conflicts in the workplace, I use astrological insights to guide my clients towards success. My unique approach to career counseling combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques, providing clients with a holistic and effective solution to their job issues.

Health Issues Specialist

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Health Problem Specialist

As an astrologer, I specialize in analyzing the positions and movements of celestial bodies to gain insights into people's health and well-being. I believe that the planets and stars have a profound influence on our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. By studying the alignment of the planets at the time of a person's birth, I can identify potential health issues and offer personalized astrological remedies to help them overcome these challenges. My clients trust me to provide them with accurate and compassionate guidance, and I take great pride in helping them achieve optimal health and happiness through the power of astrology. Whether you are seeking answers to specific health concerns or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, I am here to help you tap into the wisdom and healing energy of the stars.

Court Case Specialist

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Court Case Problem Specialist

As an astrologer, I approach court case issue resolution from a unique perspective. I believe that the stars and planets have a profound influence on our lives, including our legal matters. By analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of the court case, I can gain insights into the underlying energies and dynamics at play. Based on this information, I can offer guidance and recommendations to help my clients navigate the legal system and achieve a favorable outcome. While I understand that some may view astrology with skepticism, I have found it to be a powerful tool for resolving court cases and other legal issues. My clients appreciate my holistic approach and often report positive results.

Kundli Matching Specialist

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Kundli Matching Specialist

As a seasoned astrologer, I specialize in kundli matching, a traditional Indian astrological practice that evaluates the compatibility of two individuals for the purpose of marriage. By analyzing the positions of the planets and stars at the time of birth, I can provide insights into the couple's potential strengths, weaknesses, and areas of harmony in their relationship. My expertise lies in interpreting the complex patterns of the cosmos and communicating them in a way that is both accurate and accessible to my clients. With years of experience and a deep understanding of astrological principles, I am committed to helping individuals make informed decisions about their relationships and navigate life's challenges with confidence.

Gemstone Recommend

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Gemstone Recommendation Specialist

As a knowledgeable astrologer, I specialize in recommending gemstones that harness the power of the planets and enhance one's life. By analyzing an individual's birth chart, I can identify the planets that have the greatest influence on their life and recommend gemstones that correspond to those planets. Each gemstone has unique properties that can amplify the positive energy of the associated planet, bringing balance, harmony, and prosperity to the wearer. With a deep understanding of the astrological properties of gemstones and a commitment to providing personalized recommendations, I am dedicated to helping my clients tap into the transformative power of the cosmos and live their best lives.

Other Astrological Services

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Other Astrological Services

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My Portfolio

Recent Works


Couple Issue Solution

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Love Problem Solution

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Family Approval For
Love Marriage

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Love Problem Solution

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Love Problem Solution

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Ex Back Solution

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My clients say

Recent Feedback's

Rajesh Sharma

Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's astrology readings are incredibly accurate and insightful, providing deep understanding and clarity on various aspects of life.

Sunita Singh

The remedies suggested by Astro Shiv Upasak Ji have had a profound positive impact on my life, bringing about significant changes and improvements.

Anil Kumar

Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's astrological predictions are not only precise but also delivered with empathy and understanding, making the consultation experience truly enriching.

Priya Patel

I have found Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's astrological guidance to be incredibly helpful in navigating challenging times, offering practical advice and solutions.

Amit Chandra

Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's in-depth knowledge of astrology is evident in his detailed analysis, which has provided me with valuable insights and direction.

Kavita Gupta

I appreciate Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's commitment to his clients, always ensuring a thorough understanding of their concerns and providing comprehensive solutions.

Ramesh Kumar

The astrology services provided by Astro Shiv Upasak Ji are truly transformative, offering a holistic approach to addressing life's complexities.

Manisha Verma

Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's dedication to his craft and genuine care for his clients' well-being are evident in every consultation, making him a trusted and reliable astrologer.

Deepak Pandey

I have experienced significant positive changes in my life after following the remedies suggested by Astro Shiv Upasak Ji, which have proven to be highly effective.

Pooja Patidar

Astro Shiv Upasak Ji's astrology services are not only accurate and insightful but also empowering, helping individuals take control of their lives and destinies.

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